Job design is in fact a combination of job content and the work method which has been adopted in the performance of the job (Durai, 2010). There are various job-design techniques. The main techniques are (Armstrong, 2003): job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, self-managing teams (autonomous work groups) and high performance work design. Other methods include (Durai, 2010): job reengineering, participative management and peer performance review.

                                          Source:what is job design/www.googal.com

 Job satisfaction is considered as part of an organization's culture, ranging from job design to supervision   ''job satisfaction is a multidimensional phenomenon, influenced by several internal and external factors, like the individual’s values, principles, personality and expectations and the job’s nature, the opportunities provided etc.'' (Davies et al., 2006 cited in Bellas D. and Koustelios A. 2014).

Source:What is job design/https://www.youtube.com


 Main factors affecting job design cited by Management Study Guide Content Team (no 

date) are:

Organizational Factors:

Work Nature: nature of the work required by the employee to perform is required to be considered.

Ergonomic: physical and individual skills and abilities are taken in to consideration.

Work flow: Sequence of work (work flow) is determined by the type of product or service.

Culture: Organization culture determine the  way tasks are performed at the work place.

Environment Factors:

Employee availability and abilities: design a job above their skills and abilities with decrease performance and satisfaction.

Sociology economic and cultural expectation:  Employee centered job design require consideration of their cultural expectations and one that they can perform (i.e. literacy levels).

Behavioral Factors:

Autonomy (cultural behavior): promoting creativity and independence without external governance.

Feedback: job design require proper feedback the performance the job.

Diversity: Job variety and diversity would ensure continuity of interest to perform the 

 Job design at ABZ pharmaceuticals

ABZ is one of the 3rd largest company Sri Lanka. In ABZ employee didn't get chance to   rotate their jobs because the knowledge skills and capacities are unique for each job roles. When consider job enlargement employee gets ample opportunities to do their job on creative way witch leads increase employee interest and engagement .ABZ has continue  learning  and development proses witch help to employee gets higher level of knowledge and skill, giving workers, autonomy and responsibility in terms of planning, directing, and controlling their own performance, and providing the opportunity for personal growth and meaningful work experience


In general, job design has advantages for both the organization and the employees. The organizational benefits are the increased productivity and efficiency, effective team work, 

skilled employees ready to meet the job position requirements, targeted training of employees which increases the human capital accumulation, effective talent management, and finally improved employee attraction, commitment and retention. From the perspective of employees, job design offers clarity of the role and the responsibility of the employee, targeted training in order to meet the future needs of the employee and the organization, team cohesion, opportunity for personal and professional development, and finally increased job satisfaction and commitment to the organization.


Armstrong M. (2006) ARMSTRONG’S HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. 10th Edition. [Online] London: Kogan Page

Limited. Available from http://www.academia.edu/9026115/Michael_Armstrong_th_edition_10_HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT_PRACT_ICE [Accessed 17 December 2017]

 Bellas D. and Koustelios A. (2014) Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction: A Review, International Review of Management and Marketing,4(2)132-149. Available from http://www.econjournals.com/index.php/irmm/article/view/746/pdf [Accessed 19 December 2017]

Herath D. (2017) HRM and the Design of Work. [Lecture] People and Organisations: Principles and Practice in Global Contexts MN7181, Esoft Metro Campus, 11 November.

Management Study Guide Content Team (no date) Factors affecting Job Design. [Blog Entry] no date. Management Study Guide. Available from http://www.managementstudyguide.com/factors-affecting-job-design.htm [Accessed 20 December 2017]

What is job design/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUG-Z5sg2UM







  1. The concept of Job design and the importance of it have been well discussed. Further benefits of JD and the factors influencing also have been discussed. Well prepared blog and enjoyed teh reading.

  2. blog article is knowledgeable, according to your ABZ pharma's job design is some times good and sometimes bad, because the pharmaceutical is a sensitive area if an employee has no well about relevant drug it will effect the patient and the company also.

  3. I too agree that the design of the job has extensive influence on productivity and job satisfaction. I have been recently involved in a pharmaceutical manufacturing organization where the staff attached to the filling and packing divisions are rotated to avoid grievances of the employees. They have gained the abilities required to perform the relevant task as they are trained intensively and are under strict supervision during their early stages of employment.

  4. The job designing techniques can be divided into two categories based on an individual employee or a group of employees. The techniques considering the individual employee involve work simplification, job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. The techniques considering the group of employees include work teams and autonomous work groups.


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