During my recent discussion with the senior management it has been observed that all employees were receiving the same annual increment despite their performance and contributions made to the organization. Performance evaluations are conducted to ensure that employees have aligned their objectives to the organizational vision and mission and to understand each employee’s contribution and rate them accordingly. It outlines the behavior and skills expected in return from the employee (Armstrong, 2012, p. 322) for the extrinsic rewards given by the employer Motivation theory is one of the most important theories in Human Resource Management (HRM). It explains what organizations can do to encourage people to apply their efforts and abilities in ways that will further the achievement of the organization’s goals as well as satisfying their own needs (Armstrong, 2001, p. 155). There are a number of methods to motivate people such as rewards, punishments, actions to satisfy needs, psychological processes, etc.
Literature – Equity Theory
When organizations fail to address pay equity for the value employees contribute to the performance, high performing employees will be demotivated and can feel they are being rewarded unfairly for the contributions they make. Which further can lead for high performing employees to perform similar as a low performing employee as annual increment despite the performance will be the same as people value fair treatment to be motivated (Yourcoach, n.d). Equity Theory in business introduces the concept of social comparison, whereby employer evaluate an employee’s input/output ratios based on their comparison with the input/outcome ratios of other employees in the same domain. As the Accorhotels organization has failed to address such, which could of lead to serious demotivation of the high performing employees. It was first developed in 1960 by J. Stacy Adams who asserted that employees seek equity the input and output to another employee (Wikipedia, 2004). Employees will always adjust the input to receive the similar output when socially compared (Management, n.d).
The purpose of this concept is to ensure that annual increments are granted to each employee according to the contributions they have made. This outlines and motivates employees who perform better than other as the rewards are extrinsic. When organization does not pay according to the performances and continuous to pay each employee the same increment despite the contributions and performance grade achieved, this can lead to serious demotivation for the high performing employees as pay equity will be the same despite different contributions made by different employees. Equal increments should be rewarded to the equal values employees make to the orgazanisation. (Commsion, n.d). 1. Treat employees fairly and reward according to the performance grades achieved as per the final performance evaluation result.
Implementing such policies and procedures where equity theory is applied, the high performing employees will continue to perform even better when their annual increment is better than compared with other employee who has a lesser input. 1. High performing employees will further exceed their performance. 2. Organization will have a motivated team. 3. Employees feel valued and recognized the efforts made and increase job satisfaction. 4. Employee will have justice and fairness for the amount of work done and compensation received. 5. Organization will minimize meaningless rewards. 6. Direct cost reduction on the organization expenses. 7. Employees will have higher satisfaction and increase retention. 8. Motivation for the low performing employees to perform better to achieve higher rewards. 9. Overall organization performance to be increased if effective policies and procedures are in place.
As highlighted above, it will be necessary to implement annual increment as per the performance each employee has made. Organizations are required to ensure the rewards management has proper, effective and meaningful policies and procedures to achieve organization mission by placing effective business strategies which are beneficial for both employee and the employer.
Armstrong, M. (2017). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (12th Edition ed.). London: Kogan Page Limited.
Commsion, P. E. (n.d). Pay Equity and Equal Pay: What is the Difference? Retrieved from PayEquity:
Management, E. P. (n.d). Equity Theory – Keeping Employees Motivated. Retrieved from
Wikipedia. (2004, 04 15). Equity theory. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Good blog on Reward management manjula, The process will help rearward everyone in an organization, By keeping it fair and consistence. Will keep the employees happy and loyal, Support work them work harder.