JOB DESIGN J ob design is in fact a combination of job content and the work method which has been adopted in the performance of the job (Durai, 2010). There are various job-design techniques. The main techniques are (Armstrong, 2003): job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, self-managing teams (autonomous work groups) and high performance work design. Other methods include (Durai, 2010): job reengineering, participative management and peer performance review. Source:what is job design/www.googal.com Job satisfaction is considered as part of an organization's culture, ranging from job design to supervision ''job satisfaction is a multidimensional phenomenon, influenced by several internal and external factors, like the individual’s values, principles, personality and expectations and the job’s nature, the opportunities provided etc.'' (Davies et al., 2006 cited in Bellas D. and Koustelios A. 2014). S